Southern Nevada Repeater List

Data from reptlist.pdf courtesy of
Amateur Electronic Supply

Open Six Meter Repeaters

53.010 (-) WB6TNP Low Potosi Mountain 
53.190 (-) N9CZV  Angel's Peak - PL 110.9
53.625 (-) K7KRN  Henderson

Open Two Meter Repeaters

145.11 (-) WA7HXO Red Mtn (B.C.) - US93/95 to Kingman/Searchlight, Lake Mead -
                  PL 100.0
145.17 (-) KG7XZ  Bullhead City AZ - local coverage/patch
145.19 (-) KA7BCP Tropicana/Eastern, LV coverage
145.22 (-) WA7HXO Highland Peak (Pioche) - good US93N coverage - PL 100.0
145.27 (-) N7SKO  Christmas Tree Pass/Laughlin - linked 146.76/Kingman -
                  PL 131.8
145.28 (-) WB6TZS Table Mtn (near Wrightwood), I-15 desert coverage
145.35 (-) K2ADS  Durango/Desert Inn area - local coverage
145.35 (-) WD0GQL Wildflower Mtn, near Prescott - Central Arizona coverage
145.39 (-) W7IZU  Black Mtn (near Sloan/I-15, S of LV) - PL 100.0
145.45 (-) K7SG   Scrub Peak, 12 mi SW of St George UT - PL 82.5 (if activated)
145.48 (-) W0GFQ  Palm Springs Tram High Desert Coverage - PL 107.2
145.49 (-) W7DRC  Utah Hill, near St. George - good extended coverage -
                  PL 100.0
146.61 (-) WB7WTS Ely - Coverage Hwy 6E, 93S, 50W - 
                  link Tonopah/Warm Springs/Hawthorne
146.64 (-) WB7WTS Montezuma Pk (near Goldfield) - excellent west central Nevada
		  coverage - link Warm Springs/Tonopah/Hawthorne
146.64 (-) KC7GSA Bullhead City, Arizona
146.67 (-) WA7CYC North Las Vegas - PL 136.5
146.70 (-) W7IVK  Central LV - patch *77 up, #77 down, alt input +600, no patch
146.73 (-) KD8S   "QST Machine" - push Touchtone "5" for main menu - 
                  local info available
146.76 (-) N7SKO  Kingman, Arizona - good I-40 coverage, LV/Flagstaff - 
                  PL 131.8
146.76 (-) K7JH   Iron Mtn, SE of Cedar City, Utah - SW Utah coverage on I-15
146.79 (-) W7IVK  Apex Mtn, NE side LV Valley - good I-15N/US-93N coverage
146.82 (-) W7KVS  Utah Hill, near St. George - good extended coverage PL 100.0
146.82 (-) W6FNO  Onyx Pk, near Big Bear - high desert coverage on I-15
146.85 (-) WB7WTS Warm Springs Summit E of Tonopah - excellent central Nevada
                  coverage - linked Tonopah/Ely/Hawthorne
146.85 (-) W6JBT  Crestline (above San Bernardino) - I-15 desert coverage
146.88 (-) WA7HXO Mt Potosi (8500') - LA to St George, Kingman to Beatty -
                  PL 100.0 - links to Utah "Snowbird" system,
		  up I-15 to Idaho/Wyoming/Montana
146.94 (-) K7UGE  Top of LV Hilton - member autopatch - 
                  PL 100.0, linked with 448.500
146.94 (-) WA7GTU Frisco Pk, near Cedar City, Utah - Central Utah coverage -
                  PL 100.0
147.00 (+) W7WGW  Mingus Mtn, near Prescott Arizona - excellent central
                  Arizona coverage
147.03 (+) W6NYK  Pahrump Valley/Mt Schader (4384'), 1 Mi N Johnie Mine - 
                  PL 100.0
147.06 (+) KC7TMC Apex Mtn - Nellis R.A.C. - PL 100.0
147.09 (+) N7OK   Silver Dollar ARC - Black Mtn/Sloan - PL 100.0
147.12 (+) W6PNM  Willow Beach - links to 146.76/Kingman, 145.27/Laughlin - 
                  PL 131.8
147.18 (+) N7SGV  Clark Co RACES - Angel's PK (8500') - PL 100.0
147.18 (+) WB7WTS Ely - coverage Hwy 93N, 318S, 50W - link Salt Lake City -
                  PL 114.8
147.18 (+) W6VPR  Barstow local - PL 151.4
147.21 (+) WB7DRJ Boulder City
147.24 (+) W7IVK  Henderson - PL 146.2
147.27 (+) KC7DB  Desert Inn/Maryland Pkwy (MARA)
147.30 (+) KC6TZB Christmas Tree Pass - PL 156.7
147.39 (+) W7MZV  Glendale Nevada/Beacon Hill - good N end Lake Mead coverage
147.705(-) WA6WWB Turquoise Mtn/nearr Victorville -
                  good coverage Wrightwood/Yermo on I-15

Open 220 MHz Repeaters

224.4800  (-)  W7EB    Low Potosi - Mountain Repeater Assn/Link to SoCal -
                       PL 110.9
224.5000  (-)  N8NDI   Smoke Ranch/Jones, LV - PL 156.7
224.8800  (-)  WB6RUF  CONDOR/KINGMAN Mt. Hualapai - PL 156.7
224.9000  (-)  W8IXD   CONDOR/LAS VEGAS High Potosi - PL 156.7

Open 440 MHz Repeaters

447.0000  W7AOR   Base of Frenchman Mtn, IRLP linked - PL 100.0
447.3000  KG7SS   Lake Mead/US95 - PL 100.0
447.3250  N7SGV   Base of Frenchman Mtn - PL 127.3
447.4750  N7OK    Silver Dollar ARC - Angel's Peak - PL 110.9
447.5000  N7ENB   Pahrump (valley floot) - PL 123.7
448.0750  WN9ANF  Top of the Fitzgerald Hotel downtown - PL 127.3
448.4000  N7FK    Golden Valley, Arizona - PL 127.3
448.5000  K7UGE   Top of the Tropicana Hotel - linked with 146.94 - PL 100.0
448.6250  NX7R    Black Mtn/Henderson - Lake Mead/Searchlight and beyond - 
                  PL 114.8
448.8500  N7HYV   Pahrump
449.1500  WA7HXO  Red Mtn - links to Kingman/NW Arizona - PL 127.3
449.2000  KI7D    Angel's Peak Remote Base - PL 114.8
449.2750  K2ADS   Durango/Desert Inn Road - local coverage - PL 103.5
449.3000  N7YOR   Henderson - PL 167.9
449.6250  N7URK   Rio Lomas (S of Bullhead City) - PL 136.5
449.6750  WA7CYC  Sunrise Mountain - PL 192.8
449.8750  KC7TMC  Nellis R.A.C. - Apex Peak - PL 127.3

Open 900 MHz Repeaters

927.2500  (-25 MHz)  KA3IDN  Angel's Peal - PL 114.8
927.2875  (-25 MHz)  N7AXY   Lady Luck Hotel - PL 151.4
927.3125  (-25 MHz)  KA3IDN  Opal Mtn (Near Nelson) - DPL 606
927.3375  (-25 MHz)  N9CZV   Angel's Peak - PL 151.4
927.3875  (-25 MHz)  KA3IDN  Low Potosi - PL 151.4
927.8875  (-25 MHz)  KA3IDN  Christmas Tree Pass - DPL 606
927.5875  (-25 MHz)  KG7SS   Mountain View Hospital - PL 131.8

Open 1200 MHz Repeaters

1286.5500  (-12 MHz)  WJ1P   Low Potosi, Magellan/Southern Nevada - PL 167.9
1293.9000  (-20 MHz)  NX7R   Black Mountain/Henderson - links 448.625 -
                             PL 114.8

Packet Digipeaters

144.3900  N7ZEV-1   (WIDE) Low Potosi - APRS
144.3900  N7ZEV-2   (WIDE) Apex - APRS
144.3900  N7ZEV-3   (WIDE) Angel - APRS
144.9300  W7SCE-4   (CQQDX4) Mt Hualapai - DX Packet Cluster
145.0100  KJ7RA-2   (SCRUB) Scrub Pk, SW of St George Utah - 
                    national interconnect, into Wyoming
145.0100  KJ7RA     (LAS) Angel's Peak, links/St George -
                    national interconnect, into Wyoming
145.6600  WB6UCD-7  (REDDX) Red Mountain - DX Packet Cluster
145.6600  W7SCE-3   (XXMAS) Christmas Tree Pass - DX Packet Cluster

ATV Repeaters

KB7BY  High Mount Potosi (8500') - 913.0 FM input,
       1241.25 AM output, 1265.0 FM output -
       links into Southern California ATV Network


  1. This list shows open, operational repeaters only - no attempt has been made to show any repeater which is not open or operational. However, the fact that a repeater is shown on this list does not necessarily mean that the repeater is indeed open, and the fact that a channel is shown as vacant does not mean that it is not assigned by the coordinator.
  2. Changes should be called in to Amateur Electronic Supply. This list is updated on a continuing basis - your assistance in corrections and additions is appreciated.
  3. The basic concept of this list is "Las Vegas and three hours each direction" - the fact that a repeater is shown on this list does not mean that the coverage extends into the Las Vegas Valley itself.
  4. Planning on putting up a repeater? Southern Nevada Repeater Council coordination forms available at AES.

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Last updated 13 March 2003.
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